From Our Authors on #Faith #Family and #Business

The Supernatural Effect: Extraordinary Stories of God's Divine Intervention & Heavenly Encounters with Jesus

In a world where the news is fake and science is a religion, is it even possible to believe in miracles? Is the God of the Bible still intervening in our world, much less in our personal lives? Most people haven’t seen the supernatural power of God, well … ever. That’s exactly what compelled fifteen women and one eleven-year-old girl to say, Yes, it’s possible, and Yes, He does, and to record evidence from His supernatural effect on their lives that proves it.

The compelling, true events recounted here were lived by Divine daughters, chosen by God. Yet, none escaped life’s trials or tribulations. They had many opportunities to become cynical and fall away. Instead, each one chose simplicity in faith to be her final stand. In so doing, they encountered the supernatural God of the Bible in unique and very personal ways. No matter how complex the circumstance, each of these authors ultimately chose to live by this adage: If God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.

Their simplicity of faith, reflected in their great expectations, led to great results: Divine interventions and revelations; inexplicable protection from evil; instant physical and emotional healings; Divine encounters with Heaven; hearing God speak; entering the spirit realm; speaking in other tongues; and supernatural dreams, visions, and prophecies. The stories in this book have many messages, but one consistent theme: All power belongs to our God, and He wants you to experience His supernatural effect in your life!

Contributing Authors: Angela Riemer, Carmen McKinney, Christina Radi, Daneca Mergott, Faithe Colas, Kayley Bishop, Kimberly Krueger, Kim Six, Linda, J. Hansen, Margaret Moe, Marlene Dawson, Misty Zuhlke, Nilda Campuzano, Piper Fandre, Sue Trepte, and Taylor Zwieg.

Emotional Resilience: A Women's Forum

Follow along through this short ministry teaching and journal for the Fellowship of Extraordinary Women's (FEW's) women's forum for the month of September, 2018. This month, the women's forum discusses emotional resilience, a gift from god through the self-control piece of His promised Holy Spirit.

More Titles from the FEW Women

I SEE JESUS: Three Words That Changed My Life

The Lion & the Narcissist: The Truth Will Give You the Strength and Wisdom to Stand Up

The Identity Effect: A Collection of Stories by Women Who've Discovered Their True Identity in Christ

A FEW Words on Your Identity in Christ: A 125 Day Discovery of Your Truest Self

Prayer As A Business Strategy: A Women's Forum (Few Ministry Teachings and Journals)

The Breakthrough Effect: Inspiration & Equipping For Your Breakthrough From Seventeen Extraordinary Women

Parents are Leaders: Do you have what it takes?

#1 Bestseller A FEW Words on Becoming Holy, Whole, and Fit

The Miracle Effect: How A Miracle Changed The Lives Of These Extraordinary Women